Friday, September 9, 2011

learn to be alone first

who wants to be alone? no one! everyone wants to have someone to be with but to have that special person, you first have to learn how to be alone. i know you're thinking that's crazy but if you are not comfortable at doing things along then how will u know what you like? i like to take myself shopping, have long walks by the river and just read of book. me, myself, and i are a perfect trio. even on the walk i let my dog be the fourth wheel because she cannot talk, so therefore she won't kill the mood. don't get me wrong i like the company of others, well not so many at one time. i think having someone of the opposite sex is great to have but how can they make you happy if you don't know what makes you happy. to me you need that alone time to collect your thoughts and just relax. if you find yourself always needing a buddy, pal or toy to keep you company then just think what are you doing. you are using a crutch and its not healthy. no i am not a doctor and can only speak for myself but it works for me. now being alone isn't always fun nor easy but just learning what you like will be good for you and whoever you meet. i'm going to end thing because i want to enjoy the rest of my alone time before my last class starts (and play on facebook)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


so i want to say that some people really need to think and revaluate their living situations. dont think im looking down b/c im somewhat on the ground to but why would you bring another life into the world in a bad situation. you should have never married the low life from the beginning but you must have thought society would look at you in a better way. well you thought wrong. many people want to look at this whole teen mom show like its an eyesore for america but all these broken homes isnt helping. dont look down on some teenager who got knocked up when right around the corner there is some 20 something or 30 something doing the same thing. i managed to make it without a kid and no its not hard. one thing is to keep your freaking legs close unless you can manage a kid by yourself. if you know what you may get into, by all means go for it sister or brother. that's a risk that you will understand that can be taken. don't get me wrong i don't think single parent hood is horrible but for some people they could have avoided it at all cost. if you think this blog is about you then most likely its not. i would rather tell you to your face then let you read it online. to end this on a light note, i do give two thumbs up for all my single parent friends that are doing the right thing and being two people. i know it isn't hard at all times (my mom is a single parent) but then end is gonna be awesome. your child will understand when they get old enough to see who really sacrificed. i know that i cannot understand from the parent end and really hope to never experience it that way but just remember your real friends and family will be there for you. real people will want to be around you and your kid(s). real friends will want to make plans and give you enough time to find a babysitter. real friends will understand when you have to cancel b/c your kid is sick.

Monday, September 5, 2011

so you're're welcome

last time i looked in the mirror i see not only that i'm black but i have more curves than i've asked for. thanks God for giving me what other women want. really i want to give some of that goodness away. well atleast add it upstairs. like i'm the only one who doesnt want more ta ta' i wanted to start this blog b/c maybe i could reach another person and help them. well this person would have to find my blog. hey things are possible....i think if i work out like 2 times a day then i will loose the weight faster. why being skinny means so much. who is there to blame? i cannot blame the media but i blame myself. i secretly want to be skinny so i dont want to buy any more jeans! gaining weight = spending i dont have since i went back to college. lets save that for another day. over & out!